Three Selfs Scorecard

Discover how you can manage your career successfully through our exclusive self-reflection scorecard and understand what you need to do to bridge the gap between good and extraordinary improving your confidence, communication, relationships, career goals and business outcomes.

Our scorecard will provide you with instant, actionable steps to help you to understand where you are now and what you need to do to manage your career through self-reflection. 

  • Answer 28 questions and receive customized results instantly.
  • It’s free of charge with no strings attached.
  • It will take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.

Self reflection in career management

Answer 28 questions on a sliding scale to see how you can improve your career trajectory.

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Self Esteem
  3. Self Interest
  4. Self Leadership

Our career assessment tool is designed for those wanting to have a disproportionate competitive advantage to help accelerate their career. We encourage you to complete this assessment yourself and ask others to complete one for you too. Your best self-development opportunities lie in the statements where their assessment differs from yours.

Transform your career trajectory

Whether you are interested in self-management, people management, project or business management the three self’s will support your growth throughout your career.

The three self’s are the foundations and building blocks to how you grow and learn. These include self-awareness, self-interest, and self-esteem

To have a fulfilling career you need to work on these three self’s together, not just one individually. They are inter-related and feed into each other. Without the balance of one, the others are not as effective.

Hunton Executive has created this self-actualisation questionnaire to help you understand where you are now and what you need to do to transform the balance of these three self’s through self-reflection. 

Ask yourself these 28 questions based around the three ‘selfs’ of career management.  This will help you to assess your current strengths and understand what you need to do to transform from good to extraordinary, positioning yourself for long-lasting positive career development.

The difference between good and extraordinary is the balance of the three self’s. The three self’s are critical in helping you to improve and advance your confidence, communication, relationships, career goals and business outcomes.

Uncover how you balance the three selfs of career management

This Scorecard has been designed to show ambitious people their blind spots and provide instant, actionable steps on how to improve their capabilities to better manage their career.

It’s free and takes no more than 10 minutes